Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rainy Day

Usually on a rainy day I sit down at my sewing machine and work on a project, but today I was more in the mood to cook.
A friend of mine in Tennessee showed me how to make these amazing egg rolls, and so I got to work on those early. The recipe makes a grundle, but they are great to freeze and I have a quick easy meal.

Then I got even more motivated after my yogurt stop at Fresh Market. They had their strawberries on for $3.98 for 4lbs. They weren't the best looking, but great for freezer jam.

I think it is going to be cold and rainy again tomorrow. After I finish up my jam, I may just need to find another project. I found these adorable freezer paper tee's. So cute for summer!

1 comment:

  1. I made jam from those strawberries, too! Except I ran out of pectin, got to make a run to the store to finish up tomorrow. Those egg rolls look yummy! Want to share the recipe?
